What is data?

Data is a collection of individual facts or values that we can use to percieve, understand, and analyze about ourselves and the world. (from our incredible, @Leaner0418)

What is a database?

A database an organized collection of data, or structured information"

History of databases?

Databases have evolved dramatically since the late 1960s. We used to have purely relational datases.

And now we have dozens of types of databases.

Types of Databases?

//Code snippet for a relational database
Relational databases have a fixed structure for it's data, and are based on tables columns and rows
// This is a NoSQL code sample from Couchbase (which is a non-relational database company)
//List the schedule of flights from Boston
// to San Francisco on JETBLUE

SELECT DISTINCT airline.name, route.schedule
FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.route
  JOIN `travel-sample`.inventory.airline
  ON KEYS route.airlineid
WHERE route.sourceairport = "BOS"
AND route.destinationairport = "SFO"
AND airline.callsign = "JETBLUE";
NonRelational databases have a structure that can be changed in each entry.

No-SQL databases are also based on collections and documents

//Code snippet for a hierarchal database
Developeed in the 1960s/1970s.

Hierarchal databases also look similar to a family tree/organization chart.

Object Oriented
//Code snippet for a object oriented database
Store and manage objects and is represented in the form of objects, just like object-oriented programming

What is the difference?

//Code snippet for the difference between relational and non relational databases

Relational databases have a relationship.

They also work with structured data and are table and row oriented.

Non-relational databases (No-SQL - not only SQL) have the ability to store large amounts of data in a less structured way.

They can also be schema free or schema flexible.